Project Description

The Marshall Fire swept across Louisville, Superior, and Unincorporated Boulder County, destroying over a thousand homes. In the aftermath of the fire, affected homeowners were encouraged to come together to engage in the rebuilding process in order to extract benefits like expedient rebuilding and cost savings.

Collective action is an interesting phenomenon.This project aims to identify and study factors surrounding these collective action groups that enable or inhibit them to make progress toward four rebuilding outcomes – sustainability, resiliency, expediency, and any additional goals outlined by each group.Ìý

We will track group formation, goal-setting and prioritization, and decision-making within these groups. We will attend collective action group meetings to collect qualitative data on these processes and interview homeowners to understand their perspectives. We will track progress on the four outcomes throughout the rebuilding process to determine the success of collective action initiatives and what factors influenced each groups’ ability to make progress toward outlined goals.ÌýÌý

Disaster Recovery and Resiliency projects

Special Requirements

Student must have interest in working with groups of homeowners and tracking information and decisions through design and construction of home rebuilding.Ìý
