Colorado Community College System


College of Arts and Sciences; University of Colorado Boulder

Academic Course Map for English (B.A.)

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts degree in English (ENGL) at CU Boulder trains students to be consummate readers and writers who think critically and creatively and who land in satisfying careers in education, publishing, law, business and the nonprofit sector.

English majors learn to read and write with precision, to think critically, and to be creative. Studying English cultivates humanistic and global empathy, and empowers students to be engaged citizens who help advance the world’s societies and cultures. The English Department offers two concentrations in its major: Literature and Cultural Studies and Creative Writing. ÌýThe Literature and Cultural Studies track emphasizes the history and analysis of literature from Chaucer and Shakespeare through comic books and other contemporary literature while the Creative Writing Track teaches the skills of fiction and poetry through small workshop-based studio courses.

In small classes, with faculty who will get to know each student, English majors get to read, think and write about questions central to the humanities such as: what makes us human? how can we act ethically? what is the place of art in social and political life? ÌýThe life-long skills and ideas acquired in the English Department prepare students for a variety of career paths while encouraging them to contribute to scholarly, creative, and civic life in Boulder and beyond in their future endeavors.

Admission Requirements

Students who begin at a Colorado Community College can transfer directly to CU Boulder to finish their degree in any of the programs offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.ÌýPlease see the CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences’ÌýColorado Community College webpageÌýfor more information detailed information admissionsÌýrequirements for students transferingÌýfrom a Colorado Community College.Ìý

Transfer Recommendations

To graduate in a 4-year time frame, it is important that students follow the recommended schedule. Students who wish to continue their education at the community college beyond the number of credits specified below should explore with both community college and CU Boulder staff how their graduation timeline, COF stipend, and financial aid will be affected.Ìý

Suggested Four-Year Course Plan for the English (ENGL) major

This is a suggested guide of coursework only and is subject to change. Always consult your academic advisor for graduation planning purposes. Depending on a student’s situation, a different plan might be more applicable.

Your community college must offer an Associate of Arts degree with Designation (DwD) in English to use this transfer guide.

Community College (first two years)

Fall Semester 1

Course Course Title Credits
ENG 121/1021* English Composition I (GT-CO1) 3

LIT 201/2001

World Literature to 1600 (GT-AH2) 3

MAT 120/1240

Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (GT-MA1)


One Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Science course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, or GT- SS3)

Ìý Transfer Elective 3
Ìý Total Credits 15

Spring Semester 1

Course Course Title Credits
ENG 122/1022 English Composition II (GT-CO2) 3

LIT 205/2005 OR

LIT 246/2046 OR
LIT 259/2059

Race. Ethnicity, and Culture in U.S. Literature (GT-AH2) OR

Literature of Women (GT-AH2) OR
Survey of African American Literature (GT-AH2)



One Guaranteed Transfer History Course (GT-HI1)


Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT- AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3 or GT-AH4) Not LIT

Ìý Transfer Electives 4
Ìý Total Credits 16

Fall Semester 2

Course Course Title Credits
Ìý Any LIT course with a GT-AH2 designation 3

COM 125/1250 OR
COM 220/2300

Interpersonal Communication (GT-SS3) OR
Intercultural Communication (GT-SS3)


Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT- AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3 or GT-AH4) Not LIT


Guaranteed Transfer Natural & Physical Sciences Course (GT-SC1)

Ìý Total Credits 13

Spring Semester 2

Course Title Credits
Any LIT course with a GT-AH2 designation 3
Any LIT course with a GT-AH2 designation 3

Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT- AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3 or GT-AH4) Not LIT


One Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Science course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, or GT- SS3)

Guaranteed Transfer Natural & Physical Sciences Course (GT-SC1 or GT-SC2) 4
Total Credits 16

Total credits at community college: 60

Completion of the four semesters of coursework listed above fulfills the requirements for an AssociateÌýof Arts Degree with a Designation in English at most community colleges and fulfills the General Education requirements at CU Boulder.


CU Boulder (last two years)

Fall Semester 3

Course Course Title Credits
ENGL 2112 Introduction to Literary Theory 3

ENGL 2102

Literary Analysis 3


Non-major Elective course


Non-major Elective course

Ìý Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Ìý Total Credits 15

Spring Semester 3

Course Title Credits
Upper-Division ENGL Major Requirement (Medieval and Early Modern Period) 3
Upper-Division ENGL Major Requirement (Form, Genre or Poetics) 3

Non-major Elective course


Upper-division Non-major Elective course

Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Total Credits 15

Fall Semester 4

Course Course Title Credits
ENGL 4039 Critical Thinking in English Studies 3


Upper-Division ENGL Major Requirement (Long 18th Century) 3


Upper-Division ENGL Optional Elective (consider ENGL 4000-level, internship, honors, etc.)


Upper-division Non-major Elective course

Ìý Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Ìý Total Credits 15

Spring Semester 4

Course Title Credits
Upper-Division ENGL Major Requirement (Long 19th Century) 3
Upper-Division ENGL Required Major elective 3

Upper-Division ENGL Optional Elective (consider ENGL 4000-level, internship, honors, etc.)


Upper-division Non-major Elective course

Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Total Credits 15

Total credits at CU Boulder: 60

Completion of all eight semesters of coursework listed above fulfills the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in English - Literature and Cultural Studies track at CU Boulder.


*For community college courses, the first course number is previous to summer 2022, and the second course number is the new number starting in summer 2022.


Suggested Four-Year Course Plan for the Creative Writing track of the English (ENGL) major

This is a suggested guide of coursework only and is subject to change. Always consult your academic advisor for graduation planning purposes. Depending on a student’s situation, a different plan might be more applicable. Ìý

This course maps leads to a general Associate of Arts degree NOT an Associate of Arts degree with Designation (DwD) in English.Ìý

Community College (first two years)

Fall Semester 1

Course Course Title Credits
ENG 121/1021* English Composition I (GT-CO1) 3

ENG 221/2021

Creative Writing I (GT-AH1) 3

MAT 120/1240

Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (GT-MA1)


One Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Science course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, or GT- SS3)

Ìý Transfer Elective 3
Ìý Total Credits 15

Spring Semester 1

Course Course Title Credits
ENG 122/1022 English Composition II (GT-CO2) 3

ENG 222/2022

Creative Writing II 3


One Guaranteed Transfer History Course (GT-HI1)


Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT- AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3 or GT-AH4) Not LIT

Ìý Transfer Electives 4
Ìý Total Credits 16

Fall Semester 2

Course Course Title Credits

LIT 205/2005 OR

LIT/246/2046 OR
LIT 259/2059

Race. Ethnicity, and Culture in U.S. Literature (GT-AH2) OR

Literature of Women (GT-AH2) OR
Survey of African American Literature (GT-AH2


COM 115/1150 OR
COM 125/1250 OR
COM 220/2300

Public Speaking OR
Interpersonal Communication (GT-SS3) OR
Intercultural Communication (GT-SS3)


Guaranteed Transfer Natural & Physical Sciences Course (GT-SC1)

Ìý Transfer Elective 3
Ìý Total Credits 13

Spring Semester 2

Course Course Title Credits
ENG 226/2026 OR
ENG 227/2027

Fiction Writing OR
Poetry Writing

Ìý One Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Science course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, or GT- SS3) 3

Guaranteed Transfer Natural & Physical Sciences Course (GT-SC1 or GT-SC2)


Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT- AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3 or GT-AH4) Not LIT

Ìý Transfer Elective 3
Ìý Total Credits 16

Total credits at community college: 60

Completion of the four semesters of coursework listed above fulfills the requirements for an AssociateÌýof Arts Degree at a Colorado community college and fulfills the General Education requirements at CU Boulder.


CU Boulder (last two years)

Fall Semester 3

Course Course Title Credits
ENGL 2112 Introduction to Literary Theory 3

ENGL 2102

Literary Analysis 3


2000-level ENGL Creative Writing Workshop


Non-major Elective course

Ìý Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Ìý Total Credits 15

Spring Semester 3

Course Title Credits
Upper-Division ENGL Major Requirement (Medieval and Early Modern Period) 3
Upper-Division ENGL Creative Writing Workshop 3

Non-major Elective course


Upper-division Non-major Elective course

Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Total Credits 15

Fall Semester 4

Course Course Title Credits
ENGL 4039 Capstone in Literary Studies 3


Upper-Division ENGL Creative Writing Workshop 3


Upper-Division ENGL Optional Elective (consider ENGL 4000-level, internship, honors, etc.)


Upper-division Non-major Elective course

Ìý Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Ìý Total Credits 15

Spring Semester 4

Course Title Credits
4000-level ENGL Creative Writing Workshop 3
Upper-Division ENGL Major Requirement (18th or 19th-Centure Literature) 3

Upper-Division ENGL Optional Elective (consider ENGL 4000-level, internship, honors, etc.)


Upper-division Non-major Elective course

Upper-division Non-major Elective course 3
Total Credits 15

Total credits at CU Boulder: 60

Completion of all eight semesters of coursework listed above fulfills the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in English – Creative Writing track at CU Boulder.