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Apply to become a TANK Sonic Arts Resident!

Are you a CU student, alumni, or staff interested in experimental sonic arts? Do you have a passion for teaching & community engagement? 聽Apply now for a fully-funded, five-day Sonic Arts Residency at the TANK Center for Sonic Arts in Rangely, CO. The TANK is a renowned sonic site in Northwestern Colorado centered around a 75-foot water tank with profound internal resonance.

Co-developed by the TANK and the ATLAS B2 Center for Media, Arts & Performance, these Sonic Arts Residencies will occur twice a year and are open to all current CU students, alumni, and staff (excluding faculty).

What: A 5-day, fully-funded residency at the TANK Center for Sonic Arts in Rangely, CO
Why: Create a recording in the TANK鈥檚 unique sonic environment and engage with the rural Rangely community
Who: CU students, alumni, and staff聽
When: Apply NOW through April 8 for residencies occuring May 14-19 (Spring Session) and Sept 17 - 22 (Fall Session)


Each residency includes:

  • Three recording sessions in the TANK鈥檚 remarkable sonic environment with TANK recording engineers
  • A $750 honorarium
  • Lodging, per diem, rental car & gas expenses


Residents will:

  • Conduct recording sessions in the TANK, working with TANK鈥檚 recording engineers
  • Engage with the Rangely community through teaching, leading a workshop, doing a performance, etc. (Final engagement plans to be determined in collaboration with Rangely community partners)
  • Share the final recording with the TANK & B2, with permission to have work shared publicly
  • Engage in timely & reliable communications with all partners through planning, execution and follow-up


  • Applicants must be CU students, alumni or staff (faculty excluded per grant requirements)聽
  • Applicants must submit samples of sonic work; any and all styles encouraged
  • Applicants must have teaching or community engagement experience聽

How to apply

To apply, email a PDF to ondine.geary@colorado.edu by April 8, 11:59 pm, with the following information:

  • Introduce yourself! (100 words or less)
  • Tell us what you鈥檇 like to do in the TANK (150 words or less)
  • Tell us what you鈥檇 like to offer the Rangely community (150 words or less)
  • Give us email address for two CU faculty contacts who can speak to the quality of your research and your teaching or community engagement experience
  • Give us links to work samples related to the proposed project聽
  • Submit as many links as you鈥檇 like, with optional time markers聽
  • The committee will spend up to five minutes viewing/listening to submitted work samples
  • Provide a technical rider聽
  • Tell us which time frames work for you (select all that apply):聽
    • Spring residency, May 14 - 19, 2024
    • Fall residency, September 17 - 22, 2024

A committee will review all applications and make recommendations after April 14, 2024.


Can I apply with collaborators?聽
We only have funding for one resident in May and one in September, but if you鈥檇 like to divy up the $750 honorarium and per diem among yourself and others, that鈥檚 permissible! 聽Note: honoraria cannot be used to pay existing CU faculty.

Are the dates flexible?
Unfortunately, no. Your availability needs to align with either the Spring or the Fall residency dates outlined here..聽

Can I arrange other times to visit or record in the TANK on my own?聽
Sure! Check out or email info@tanksounds to learn what鈥檚 possible.聽