A large metal sculpture of a "greater than / less than" sign hangs in a modern art gallery

Denver artist Joel Swanson questions everything

Sept. 16, 2024

ATLAS associate professor's new gallery show, "Orderings," challenges basic assumptions of everyday order through sculpture, mixed media, video and more.

Christopher Gaines holds clay-colored square with a tactile representation of a sun petroglyph

Touching the Sun with Solar Stones

Aug. 27, 2024

ATLAS undergraduate students partnered with NASA's PUNCH mission and the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind to make tactile representations of ancient petroglyphs.

Laura Devendorf stands smiling in the Unstable Design Lab while holding a colorful woven form and showing it to guests

Devendorf bridges engineering and craft communities with new initiative

Aug. 13, 2024

The Unstable Design Lab director has embarked on the first phase of a years-long project to bring together engineering and craft communities to advance textile research across a range of scientific disciplines.

Ruhan stands in the ACME Lab holding examples of her paper robots

ATLAS PhD student deploys papercraft to make engineering tangible and fun

July 30, 2024

ATLAS PhD student Ruhan Yang blends papercraft and circuit design to make engineering more tangible, accessible and fun for tinkerers of all ages.

Community members stand around a table playing with Collaborator together at EXPO 2024 in the Audio Frequency Lab

ATLAS Team Scores at SynthUX Hackathon

June 3, 2024

A team of students in the Audio Frequency Lab designed and built the Collaborator multi-player synthesizer, taking home top honors at this year's Synthux International Synth Design Hackathon.

Photo series of SCOBY growth with corresponding musical notes

Microbiology as meditation: Living Matter Lab explores 鈥渓ivingness鈥 in time

April 8, 2024

The Living Matter Lab pursues a deeper understanding of alternative perspectives on temporality through a surprising medium: kombucha SCOBY.

A detail view of the interface used to control the cloth.

Unstable Design Lab 2023 Residency in Review

Sept. 28, 2023

The 2023 Experimental Weaving Residency, featuring Elizabeth Meiklejohn, has left us with new understandings about electromagnetics and cloth movement.

Flower pots 3D printed from spent coffee grounds

3D printing with coffee: Turning used grounds into caffeinated creations

Sept. 8, 2023

Utility Research Lab director Michael Rivera uses surprising materials to fabricate useful objects.

NSF logo

ATLAS Institute Faculty Nationally Recognized for Radical Creativity and Invention

June 8, 2023

The National Science Foundation鈥檚 CAREER award is among the most prestigious honors supporting junior faculty doing outstanding work integrating research and education toward a meaningful social impact. The CAREER award is highly competitive and is a strong indicator of future research success. Award criteria focus on intellectual merit and broad...

woman wearing tank-top style shirt made from kombucha scobe with led lights embedded

Kombucha chic: How one student uses microbes, and time, to grow her own clothes

May 4, 2023

Biodesign researcher Fiona Bell says that anyone, anywhere can grow their own clothing right from their kitchens. You start by brewing a batch of kombucha.