Published: May 22, 2017

CAS would like to congratulate our affiliated faculty memberand associate professor of ChineseDr. Matthias Richter,on his recent appointment as a member of theInternational Center for the Study of Ancient Text Cultures at Renmin University in Beijing!

"Matthias Richter was recently appointed member of the Academic Board/Advisory Council of the newly establishedat Renmin University in Beijing. He also attended theof this center on April 22-23 in Beijing. According to its mission statement, “The Center embraces the detailed study of ancient texts—both transmitted and excavated—alongside the development of new methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives. Located at Renmin University and networking with major institutions in Beijing and across China, the Center’s core is focused on Chinese antiquity. At the same time, the Center aims to engage in cross-cultural, transnational research, integrating the study of ancient Chinese textuality with that of other ancient cultures from around the world. We explicitly encourage, and are eager to facilitate, exchanges on multiple levels across disciplines and civilizations.” This mission is reflected in the composition of the advisory council, which includes a dozen scholars of Chinese antiquity from China, the US, and Europe, as well as six scholars of Mediterranean and Near Eastern antiquity. The Center will hold its first annual(on canonical texts and commentaries) in June 2017."