Professor • Chair


Ph.D., English, Stanford University, 1989
B.A., English, Saint Louis University, 1980


Sue Zemka is a professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She received her PhD from Stanford and her BA from Saint Louis University. Professor Zemka studies Victorian literature and culture and has written on the novel, temporality, media history, and religion. Her recent book,Time and the Moment in Victorian Literature and Society (Cambridge UP, 2011), analyzes the nineteenth-century fascination with suddenness and momentary events. Her essays have appeared in ELH, Representations,Victorian Studies,ԻNineteenth-Century Literature. She also teaches “The Bible as Literature” and is on the faculty for the Program in Jewish Studies.

Regional and Thematic Interests

Literature and the Arts

Selected Publications

2011.Time and the Moment in Victorian Literature and Society. Cambridge University Press, 2011

1998. Victorian Testaments: The Bible, Christology, and Literary Authority in Early-Nineteenth-Century British Culture. Stanford University Press.