Freedom and Security

CWCTP Newsletter September 2017

Classes have begun at CU and so it's time for us to begin sharing our plans for the upcoming year. As you'll see, there's a lot happening at the Center this year --- more than ever before --- and it feels to all of us here like our work has never been more necessary. Even if civil discourse looks like an impossible dream in many parts of our society, we mean to continue, in every way we can, to push ahead with the humble thought that people can come together to exchange ideas in a way that is friendly even while frank, provocative without being unfair, and passionate while still honoring the truth. We hope to see you at some of our events this year. - Robert Pasnau, Director, CWCTP

Inaugural CTP Scholar Steven Hayward

CWCTP featured as flagship program for intellectual diversity in Business Insider series on "Undividing America"

The University of Colorado Boulder launched a program in 2013 to bring conservative professors to its ultraliberal campus. The first person tapped, Steven Hayward, stirred up controversy during his yearlong position, but administrators didn't mind. Other liberal colleges have begun to adopt similar programs to diversify thought on their campuses.


Let Your Light Shine: My Year As the Visiting Scholar of Conservative Thought at the University of Colorado

"I am happy to report that the lectures were well-attended and that there were none of the disturbances or protests that we’ve seen on other campuses throughout the U.S. over the past few years. Audience members asked probing questions, but they were clearly offered in a spirit of inquiry and truth-seeking, even when it was obvious that the questioner strongly disagreed with the speaker. That’s the sort of critical dialogue that many of us—regardless of our political views—believe to be integral to university life."

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Sign the Statement: Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and Expression

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The Opening of the Liberal Mind

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What is Intellectual Humility?
