Paul Diduch
Faculty Fellow
Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization

LESS 206

Paul Diduchisan instructor in the Herbst Program for Engineering, Ethics & Society, the Herbst Certificate for Engineering, Ethics & Society, and the Herbst “Culture Wars in Rome” study abroad program at CU Boulder. Diduch considers himself first and primarily a scholar of ancient philosophy, mainly Platonic philosophy, and secondarily a student, teacher, and researcher of the history and philosophy of science, with special emphasis on the cultural and political implications of technology. Diduch hasan MA in Political Science/Political Theoryfrom the University of Alberta and a PhD from the Institute of Philosophic Studies at the University of Dallas. Diduch commented, “I think it is especially important for students to see the virtues of liberal debate, intellectual charity, and genuine freedom of thought reflected in [Benson Center] public forums.”