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The Houston Hub

yler Gleditsch-Jay Westcott-Erica Duffy-Kelly Anderson-Julie Surfus

With no lab reports or homework due, ChBE alumni can concentrate on assessing the fermenting and separation acumen of local brewers during get-togethers in the Houston area. Tyler Gleditsch (Shell), Jay Westcott (ExxonMobil), Erica Duffy (Dow Chemical), Kelly Anderson (ConocoPhillips) and Julie Surfus (Dow Chemical) all graduated in 2013 and periodically meet to catch up, compare work experiences and watch CU football games. Other periodic attendees include Luke Arlow (ExxonMobil) and Karina Sevcik Gabaldon (Audubon Engineering).

“Our CU alliance forged in the bowels of the Borg is stronger than any company rivalry,” says Jay Westcott (ChemEngr’13).

Interested in starting or getting involved in a ChBE Alumni Chapter? Please contactwendy.young@colorado.edu.