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ChBE Moving the Best Ideas from the Lab to the World

Charles Musgrave

Letter from the Chair - Fall 2016

It is a great privilege and honor to serve as department chair of one of the best chemical engineering departments in the country. As I begin my term as chair and review the state of the department, I am reminded of what makes CU Boulder chemical and biological engineering such a fantastic department. We are fortunate to have: distinguished faculty who are recognized leaders in conducting world-class research and teaching; outstanding and dedicated graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who will be the next generation of leaders; talented and energetic undergraduate students who inspire us in the classroom and laboratory; devoted staff who provide amazing support for our department functions; generous and accomplished alums who are dedicated to supporting future generations of CU students; magnificent and new facilities that enable us to take our best ideas from the lab to the world.

All of this is possible because of the leadership and hard work of our current team and those who have come before us, and I am humbled to be entrusted with the responsibility of leading the department in the exciting new endeavors we are undertaking.

While the recent success and progress of the department has been phenomenal, we are in a position to accomplish even greater things over the next few years. An additional wing to our four-year-old building containing state-of-the-art labs and classroom space is under construction and will be completed next year after we raise the final ~$12 million to complete the interior. The college has provided several new faculty positions for us to recruit the very best researchers and teachers to join us. Several alums have committed generous donations that will help us recruit and support world-class researchers. Our research continues to make tremendous impact, which will help us attract the next generation of top Ph.D. students, postdocs, undergraduate students, faculty and research funding. As I look over all that my colleagues, our students, the staff and our alums have accomplished and done for the department and our community, I consider myself fortunate to be a member of this department and call you my friends.

All of this would not be possible without the contributions so many have made to the success of the department and university. We are especially fortunate to have benefited from the leadership and dedication of Dan Schwartz, whose service as department chair over the past four years has positioned us where we are today. We also greatly appreciate our former department chairs, including John Falconer, Chris Bowman and Rob Davis, who have continued to provide outstanding leadership to the department. As dean of the college, Rob Davis has supported the department as it has risen to international prominence. I want to thank Professors Jennifer Cha and Dan Schwartz for agreeing to be our associate chairs, and all of you in advance for all that you will do for the department during my next four years as chair.

Charles Musgrave