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Letter from the Chair: 2016 in Review

Charles Musgrave

Dear Friends of Chemical and Biological Engineering,

It is with great pride that I reflect on all the wonderful accomplishments and events of 2016 and look forward to an exciting 2017. We are fortunate to have such dedicated alumni, staff and friends, talented and passionate students, and accomplished faculty. On behalf of the department, I want to thank you for all you do to make CU Boulder Chemical and Biological Engineering a leader in research and education.

Among the many exciting highlights of 2016 we are grateful for generous gifts from our alumni and friends, including the support of Jim and Janet Gallogly and their family in establishing the Gallogly endowed professorship, which we will use to attract a new top faculty member to the department.

We also wish to thank outgoing Dean Rob Davis for his extensive service to the department and college, serving for over 14 years as dean and 10 years as department chair before that. We look forward to having him rejoin the faculty in the roles of teacher and researcher. We recognize that our rise to the upper tier of chemical engineering departments was largely accomplished under his extraordinary leadership, and we are eager to continue our rise under the leadership of our new dean, Bobby Braun. We also want to recognize Professor Dan Schwartz for his tireless service and accomplishments as department chair over the last four years continues the high bar of outstanding leadership established by previous department chairs, including Professor Chris Bowman, Professor John Falconer and Professor Rob Davis. It is truly humbling to follow in their footsteps as we push to realize the opportunities we have been afforded by their leadership.

While we celebrate and are grateful for all that 2016 brought us, we anticipate that 2017 will be even better. We’ve set our goals high and are committed to moving the department forward to be amongst the top few chemical engineering departments. This year we will occupy the new wing of the Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building, the home of ChBE at CU, which provides our growing department with additional classrooms, state-of-the art labs, and offices and conference rooms. We are also hard at work to hire several new faculty members who will provide our students with a world-class education and who will be leaders in research. We will also work to raise funds to support new educational initiatives, undergraduate labs and new programs, graduate fellowships and new endowed chairs and professorships. We are excited to work together with our friends and partners to make CU Chemical and Biological Engineering among the top few departments in the world. I hope you join us in this worthwhile effort to define the future of chemical engineering and serve the next generation.

Charles Musgrave
Chair and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering