
  • With expertise ranging from synthetic biology to catalysis to molecular simulation, our four new faculty members are strengthening the department in a myriad of fields.Associate Professor Hendrik Heinz (nanosimulations) and Assistant Professor Adam
  • Summer '15 Adventures
    Curious about how our undergraduate ChBE students spend their summers? Read about some summer ’15 experiences below.Nathan EdwardsCBEN JuniorExperience: Internship at Arizona State UniversityDescription: This past summer I worked on a portable
  • John Falconer interacting with students
    “OMG, that’s the LearnChemE school! I wouldn’t have passed Heat Transfer without your screencasts. You’re so lucky you get to take classes where the professors making the screencasts actually teach.”This comment was told to Professor 
  • Ellen Romig
    “We did not have computers when I started at CU; everything was done using typewriters!” says Administrative Assistant Ellen Romig about her start at CU’s Department of Chemical Engineering in August of 1979. Romig was honored at this year
  • Kristen Potter Bradley
    From biofuels in the Bay Area to biomedical devices in Boulder, alumna Kristen (Potter) Bradley (ChemBioEngr ’10) has come full circle. Bradley currently works at Medtronic’s (formerly Covidien) Tissue Research Lab in Boulder as a Development
  • Kristen Potter Bradley
    From biofuels in the Bay Area to biomedical devices in Boulder, alumna Kristen (Potter) Bradley (ChemBioEngr ’10) has come full circle.Bradley currently works at Medtronic’s (formerly Covidien) Tissue Research Lab in Boulder as a
  • DOE Logo
    The ChBE department was recently awarded support for two graduate training programs through the US Department of Education’s GAANN (Graduate Assistantships in Areas of National Need) initiative. The two awards total more than $1.75 million over
  • Andrew Weidner
    Senior chemical engineering student Andrew Weidner was the recipient of a prestigious Astronaut Scholarship Foundation Award.  The scholarship, which includes a $10,000 check, was won by only two CU students this year. Former
  • Will Medlin
    The 2015 Dean’s Outstanding Research Award, based on excellence in research as assessed by annual evaluations, was bestowed upon Associate Professor Will Medlin. This college-wide honor includes a $5000 discretionary fund.Professors Dan
  • Kristi Anseth
    Distinguished Professor Kristi Anseth is the recipient of a 2016 ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award. Consisting of a $40,000 unrestricted research grant, a $5,000 award and a certificate, this honor is given to recognize and encourage
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