
  • Lauren Miremont
    We are pleased to announce that Lauren Miremont has joined the department as our new Financial Manager.Lauren will provide pre- and post-award grant support, including budgeting, coordination with OCG/SPA, management, expenditures,
  • How it works
    Assistant Professor Andrew Goodwin received a $2M NIH New Innovator Award for his proposed new biomolecular detection method using sound, which he hopes will result in new, cost-effective technologies for detecting cancer and heart disease. “We’re focusing on ultrasound because it’s clinically quite relevant and widespread,” he said, adding that the project builds on his successful development of a technology that helps to distinguish acute from chronic deep-vein thrombosis.
  • Dan Schwartz and Blake Langdon in lab
    Surfaces and interfaces influence molecular and macroscopic phenomena in fields ranging from pharmaceuticals to biofuel catalysis to biomedical devices. A powerful way to understand these effects is to literally watch individual molecules move
  • Caroline Szczepanski, Chris Muhich, Stacey Skaalure, Peter Mitrano, and Carolyn Schoenbaum
    Each April graduate student awards are given by the department for outstanding research, leadership, and service. This year’s winners, above shown l-r, are:Caroline Szczepanski - Departmental Service AwardChris Muhich - American Institute of
  • 1904 Society
    The 1904 Society, named to commemorate the initial launch of the Chemical Engineering degree at CU, seeks to create a community that promotes the interests of the ChBE community of students, alumni, faculty, and staff by supporting the department
  • Maria Toscano-Leary
    Electronics engineer Maria Toscano-Leary was chosen as the winner of the 2014 ChBE Employee Recognition Award.

    Toscano-Leary works with students and faculty to design, build, and repair electronic instruments for research and educational purposes.
  • Undergraduate students Bill Heymann and Phil Jensen
    The CU-Boulder iGEM team had a goal of making synthetic biology more accessible and affordable. Surpassing their hopes, their project on new low-cost methods of enzyme purification won multiple honors at the iGEM North American Regional Competition
  • Professor Charles Musgrave
    Biking down a steep mountain road on his way to work last August, ChBE Professor and Associate Chair Charles Musgrave collided with a truck on a sharp bend, breaking his neck, collarbone, and four ribs. The fact that he showed up to teach
  • Tom Belval
    We are happy to welcome new Senior Instructor Tom Belval, who brings to the department years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Belval has a BS in chemical engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and a PhD in chemical
  • MSE Director Chris Bowman
    CU’s newly established PhD degree program in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) welcomed its first graduate students as well as the first new faculty hire into the program this fall thanks in large part to the efforts of MSE Director
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