Bruce Pelz (EnvSt) is co-founder and U.S president of the nonprofit Maji Safi Group, which is celebrating its five-year anniversary. The mission of the organization is to “promote health and disease prevention in underserved and impoverished areas through holistic community empowerment and by working predominantly with local women and youth.” While attending CU, Bruce studied abroad in Tanzania and wrote an honors thesis titled “The Future Environmental Views of Children across Cultures and Socioeconomic Class.” As part of his research, he surveyed students in five Tanzanian primary schools and two American elementary schools.

Posted Jun. 1, 2018

Jackie Fortier (MJour) accepted a position as a public radio reporter for StateImpact Oklahoma, a collaboration of public radio stations. Jackie travels around the state to report on energy and the environment, education, health and criminal justice.

Posted Jun. 1, 2018

Nicole Chan (Chin, IntlAf), Spencer Lahrs (IntlAf'17) and Amber Spawn (Mgmt’17) were awarded an Anna Sobol Levy Fellowship, which supports graduate studies in counterterrorism or diplomacy at the Raphael Recanati International School at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel. In addition to class instruction, fellows attend various security trips around Israel and take part in special lectures with leaders in the Israeli and U.S. military and other organizations, such as the FBI and NATO.

Posted Jun. 1, 2018

"Bio battery" gurus Tyler Huggins (PhDCivEngr) and Justin Whiteley (PhDMechEngr) received an alumni campus sustainability award from CU’s Environmental Center. The duo, who co-founded the startup technology company Emergy Labs, are transforming wastewater from the beer brewing process into energy cells for “bio” batteries.

Posted Jun. 1, 2018

Aspiring science writer Amanda Grennell (PhDChem) was awarded an AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship. She will be writing in a newsroom for 10 weeks for PBS NewsHour. At CU, Amanda used ultrafast lasers to study biomimetic nanoparticle-enzyme systems that can turn sunlight into fuel. She was also the senior editor for the graduate student-run blog Science Buffs.

Posted Jun. 1, 2018

After graduation, Bryce Arai Mawhinney (Acct, Econ, Mktg) embarked on a one-month expedition to Nepal to work with the Katie Adamson Conservation Fund, a nonprofit that promotes endangered animal conservation initiatives. While in Nepal, Bryce transported camera equipment, supported sustainable honeybee projects and helped care for a rhino calf. Bryce currently works for Deloitte Consulting in Denver and writes that he hopes to merge his business and environmental interests in the future.

Posted Jun. 1, 2018
