Larry Stevens (Psych) has been a professor in the department of psychological sciences at Northern Arizona University for 30 years. His research on chocolate’s effects on the brain during a mid-afternoon slump has received national recognition, especially since he found that chocolate made with 60 percent cacao content has a positive stimulating effect. “I owe my career in psychology to the influence of my many wonderful professors at CU in the late ’60s,” he writes.

Posted Sep. 1, 2015

In October Kathy Escamilla (Span) received the Robert L. Stearns Award at the CU Boulder Alumni Association’s 87th Annual Awards Ceremony. A professor at CU Boulder, Kathy has been researching and advocating for America’s bilingual students for three decades. Kathy and her husband, Manuel, live in Louisville, Colo.

Posted Dec. 1, 2016

In 2012, Kam Kaminske’s (Jour) book, The Magician’s Secret, was published by Amazon. Kam began her writing career as the first woman in the press box at CU. She worked for more than 12 years in the public relations field and is now a freelance writer in Los Angeles.

Posted Dec. 1, 2016

In 2011 National Geographic nominated Jonathan Turk (PhDChem) and his 27-year-old partner as one of the “Top Ten Adventure Teams” in the world. His fourth book, Crocodiles and Ice: A Journey into Deep Wild, was published in September. The book highlights Jon’s award-winning polar expedition circumnavigating Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic and details his path from a suburban Connecticut childhood into a life in Earth’s wild places.

Posted Dec. 1, 2016

Richard Van Scotter (EdD) has released his first novel, Thin Ice: Race, Sports, and Awakening in the 1950s. The story takes readers to a time and environment that nurtured much more than the “Silent Generation.” The era was a gateway to excesses in sports, commercialism and lifestyles. It also sowed the seeds for heightened social awareness, which he explores through teacher Sam Hartman and his students at “Elk Woods High” in southern Wisconsin. Richard lives in Longmont, Colo.

Posted Dec. 1, 2016

Tom Nelson (Pharm) and Linda McDermott Nelson (Mktg’74) sold Pucci’s Leader Pharmacy in Sacramento, Calif., after 37 years of ownership. Tom writes that in their retirement years they hope to visit all 59 U.S. National Parks and spend time with their two grandchildren.

Posted Dec. 1, 2017

Nathan Coats (Econ; Law’77) was named Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, effective June 30. He was appointed to the court in 2000, and had been chief appellate deputy district attorney for the Second Judicial District (Denver County) from 1986 to 2000. He will be the 46th member of the court to be named chief justice since Colorado became a state in 1876.

Posted Jun. 1, 2018

Thomas D. Phillips (MMgmt’71) co-authored the book Fire in the North: The Minnesota Uprising and the Sioux War in Dakota Territory. It recounts the Dakota War of 1862, also known as the Sioux Uprising, which, until exceeded by the tragic events of Sept. 11, had the highest number of civilians killed on American soil. Thomas’ other books on military history include Boots and Saddles: Military Leaders of the American West, In the Shadows of Victory: America’s Forgotten Military Leaders, 1776-1876, and In the Shadows of Victory II: America’s Forgotten Military Leaders, The Spanish-American War to World War II. He and wife Nita live in Lincoln, Nebraska, where he writes and teaches at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Nebraska. 

Posted Mar. 1, 2019

After graduating from CU, Nancy Burger Beauprez (Jour) worked briefly at the Greeley Tribune and then in university public relations in Colorado and Montana. Later, she worked as a technical editor for an environmental consulting company before becoming an English teacher. “The final 12 years of my work life were spent in a junior high classroom trying to show 13-year-olds how cool writing can be,” Nancy wrote. She now lives in Fort Collins with her husband, Gerald, but writes “our hearts live in Boulder.”

Posted Jun. 3, 2019

Judy Crawford (Edu) writes, “My life after Boulder has been wonderful. I taught for 25 years, was elected New Mexico Teacher of the Year in 1989 and now have had a second career working for a nonprofit that funds drinking water projects in developing countries.” She married ¸éľ±ł¦łó˛ą°ů»ĺĚý°ä°ů˛ą·É´Ú´Ç°ů»ĺ (Mktg’71) and they made their home in Santa Fe.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Reminiscing about his time at CU Boulder after receiving the Fall issue of the Coloradan, Ron Muzio (Edu) wrote: “In the second semester of my sophomore year I was invited to move from Aden Hall and lived in the tower rooms of Willard Hall. The tower rooms were traditionally occupied by four young men who worked in the food service at Farrand Hall, an all-women’s dorm at the time. When someone graduated, another Farrand worker would be invited to take his place. I was one of the lucky ones. The Willard tower rooms consisted of a large bedroom, living room, study and private bath. Our accommodations were the envy of all our fellow kitchen staffers. From our study, we had a view of the Flatirons and the entire campus to the north of us. Fifty years later, I still keep in touch with my fellow Willard Hall roommates.” Ron lives in Sparks, Nevada. 

Posted Feb. 1, 2020

Former Professor emeritus at North Dakota State University Tim Kloberdanz (Anth) has made the most of his recent retirement. He has published two novels about American rivers: Once Upon the River Platte and One Day on the River Red. He is at work on future books dealing with the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. He writes that he is fortunate his wife Rosi Appelhans Kloberdanz (Psych’76) “loves reading, traveling and exploring rivers.” The couple lives in Fargo, North Dakota.

Posted Jun. 1, 2020

Master wood-turner David Ellsworth (Art; MFA’73) is considered one of the most prominent wood-turners in the world, famous for developing his elegant thin-walled hollow forms which may be as thin as 1/16th of an inch. He is also known for advancing the discipline of woodturning as a legitimate craft art form. David’s work is included in more than 43 museums internationally, including the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Victoria and Albert Museum inLondon. This fall, he will receive the prestigious Smithsonian Visionary Award. David’s father, Ralph Ellsworth, was director of CU libraries for many years.

Posted Jul. 2, 2021

A graphic designer for 20 years, Robert Meyer (Art) often said he wished he could sculpt full time. In 1999, he went to Italy for three years to pursue this dream, and he wrote that he has “never looked back.” In 2021 his sculpture, “2 Forms w/Sphere no.10” received the Juror’s Award for Sculpture in the Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts 110th Annual Exhibition. In addition, Robert’s sculpture “Intersecting Forms w/Sphere no.4” received the Juror’s Award for Abstract Art in the Lyme Art Association’s “Expanding Visions: Traditions and Beyond.”

Posted Nov. 5, 2021

In October, Sheila Hollis (Jour’71) was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award As part of the Women, Influence & Power in Law Awards hosted in Washington, D.C., by and its Corporate Counsel publication. Sheila is acting executive director of the U.S. Energy Law Association, which works in 104 countries along with the Department of Energy, Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Additionally, she serves on the board of governors of the American Bar Association, representing its environment, energy and resources section. She is a board member of the Nanda Center for International Law at the University of Denver and addressed an international audience on the subject of the interrelationships between energy and environment in view of COP-26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Posted Mar. 11, 2022

The Colorado Law alumni board and dean Lolita Buckner Inniss named Bill Callison (ł˘˛ą·É’82), Beth Crane (ł˘˛ą·É’79), Jennifer Evans (IntlAf, PolSci’91; Law’98), Joe Neguse (Econ, PolSci’05; Law’09), Betty Nordwind (Law’71) and Donald Quick (Econ’82; Law’86) as alumni award winners. The 42nd annual Colorado Law Alumni Awards Banquet is March 16 at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts.

Posted Mar. 6, 2023

Sheila Slocum Hollis (Jour’71) is the recipient of the 2023 American Bar Association Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes the accomplishments of major practitioners who have demonstrated achievement or leadership in developing environmental, energy or resources law and policy in the U.S. 

Posted Nov. 6, 2023

After years of visiting the Hawaiian island of Kauai and writing several whimsical rooster stories for the island’s newspaper, The Garden Island, Roger Lepley (Arch’71) has compiled these stories and more into an illustrated book — Kauai Rooster Stories and Other Tropical Tales. Roger is an architect and industrial designer in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and the president and founder of Consort Corporation, a design-oriented manufacturing company.

Posted Mar. 4, 2024
