Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony
Spring 2024 Economics Ceremony

Upcoming Events

2024–25 Seminar Series

Friday, September 20: Paul Rhode, University of Michigan, "How Suitable are FAO Crop Suitability Indices for Historical Analysis?"

For future seminars check out theseminarseries calendar, all seminars areheld 3–4:30 p.m. in Seminar Room 5 unless otherwise noted.

Women in Economics

Watch the Women in Economicspage for upcoming events to be part of a vibrant community, not just at CU, the groupinteracts with 15 other universities. WiE is open to all with an interest in economics regardless of major and gender. There will be workshops and networking events, and you help decide the agenda!


Fall classesbegan August 26. Important dates can be found on the university'sand watch thecourse schedulefor the latest changes and updates toEconomics courses.If you have any questions about courses or recitation schedulesplease emailkit.colombo@colorado.edu.

SSCI Winter Recognition Ceremony

This year's winter ceremony will be a combined Social Sciences ceremony. It will be held Thursday, December 19, 1–4 p.m. in the Glenn Miller Ballroom. More details to come.


Main Office

The main office, ECON 212,is open 8:30a.m.–Noon and 1–5p.m. Monday through Friday. In the event that somethingneeds immediate attention when the front office is not available, please email the appropriate staff member for assistance. Email addresses are available under thePeople Tab.

Department Highlights

Make a Gift Online

Please consider making a donation to support the Department of Economics. Your contribution helps us continue our tradition of excellence in education, research, and outreach by providing resources for our students and faculty.Continue our tradition of excellence by considering adonation to the Economics Department.