Published: May 11, 2016

CU Engage recently introduced the new cohort of Faculty Fellows in Community-Based Learning for the 2016-17 year. The aim of the Faculty Fellows Program is to expand, deepen, and institutionalize community-based learning at CU Boulder

is an interdisciplinary center based in the School of Education and serving the CU Boulder campus. The center supports programs and initiatives that work collaboratively with community groups to address complex public challenges through academic courses, research projects, and creative work.

The new 2016-17 Faculty Fellows in Community-Based Learning cohort, which is the second of CU Engage's Faculty Fellows, represents a variety of disciplines and areas of expertise. The cohort includes:

Joanne Belknap and Hillary Potter, Ethnic Studies
Courses: ETHN 3044: Race, Class, Gender & Crime (RCGC) ETHN 3314: Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG)

David Ciplet, Environmental Studies
Course: ENVS 3525: Intermediate Environmental Problem Analysis: Topical Cornerstones: Waste and Global Justice

Bethy Leonardi, School of Education
Course: EDUC 2800/6804 Queer(ing) Topics in Education

Lev Szentkir谩lyi with Steve Lamos, Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Course: WRTG 3020 Global Justice

Eyal Rivlin, Jewish Studies
Course: Jewish Studies 3950: Jewish Studies Social Action and Civic Engagement Internship
