Michael Anthony in African dance class

Michael Anthony, Architectural Engineering

May 7, 2019

Michael Anthony spent his collegiate career deepening his cultural understanding through engineering. Now he's headed to Eswatini—with some slick new dance moves under his belt.

Curtis Gile stands with rainwater catchment system

Curtis Gile, Mechanical Engineering

May 7, 2019

Traveling to Rwanda with Engineers Without Borders opened a new level of understanding for Curtis Gile and kick-started his career with an international consulting firm.

Simon Hafner

Simon Hafner, Mechanical Engineering

May 7, 2019

During his time at CU Boulder, Boettcher Scholar Simon Hafner researched ways to increase the energy density and lifetime of batteries. Already, he has published seven papers and is listed on three patents.

Brent Frieden

Brent Frieden, Mechanical Engineering

May 7, 2019

As a freshman, Brent Frieden realized he'd have to work incredibly hard to keep up with his peers. Along with finding that path to academic success, he also interned with NIST, competed on the cycling team, was involved in student ministry, was a member of Engineering Honors Program and spent a semester volunteering in Nicaragua.

Spencer Miller

Spencer Miller, Mechanical Engineering

May 7, 2019

Inspired by his grandpa to pursue mechanical engineering, Spencer Miller spent his time at CU Boulder on a range of pursuits: studying abroad in Australia, rebuilding a VW engine, and producing a documentary with his brother.

Marc Thompson

Marc Thompson, Chemical Engineering + Applied Math

May 7, 2019

Marc Thompson loved his classes in engineering and math but said his time as CU showed him that work outside the classroom is just as essential to education as traditional lectures.

Vismaya Bachu

Vismaya Bachu, Chemical & Biological Engineering

May 7, 2019

Boettcher Scholar Vismaya Bachu participated in almost 1,000 hours of research as an undergrad, tutored in The BOLD Center and took far-ranging classes including philosophy and pottery.

Representation of an atom

Initiative builds on quantum business experience in the college

May 7, 2019

CU Boulder has a tradition of excellence in quantum science and technology. Work in the field continues on and off campus in the many companies that have been founded by CU engineering and physics faculty and former students.

Participants at Boulder Startup Week

CU Engineering faculty featured in Boulder Startup Week

May 7, 2019

CU Boulder is participating as the University Track sponsor at Boulder Startup Week, showcasing the strong ties between the Boulder startup community and the world-class teaching and research happening on campus.

Stride Tech walker

Engineering grads’ high-tech walker could keep seniors from falling

May 6, 2019

Four undergraduate students studying mechanical engineering worked with senior residents to test out their new invention, an accessory for walkers that the team hopes to make widely available to seniors and others. They believe their device could help prevent debilitating falls. Stride Tech received the first place prize in the New Venture Challenge.
