Published: Oct. 28, 2016

Two hourly research positions in air quality.

Project: The Vance Group and Hannigan Group are each looking for one motivated student (undergraduate or graduate) to work on emissions of air pollutants from 3D printing activities. This work is a good opportunity for an MS student to develop their thesis or for an undergraduate student interested in gaining research experience.

  • The Vance Group is searching for a student interested in measuring concentrations and size distributions of aerosols (particulate matter). To accomplish this, the student will be trained on using a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) to measure the size distribution of aerosols. This student will be responsible for setting up the chamber, running the 3D printing experiments in the laboratory, collecting and analyzing aerosol data to calculate emission rates, and writing reports.
  • The Hannigan Group is searching for a student interested in performing measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). To accomplish this, the student will be trained on using a GC-MS for qualitative and quantitative VOC analysis at NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research). This student will be responsible for setting up the chamber, running qualitative and quantitative CG-MS analyses, writing reports, and occasionally assisting the Vance Group Student in running experiments.

Qualification: Current students at CU Boulder in mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, chemistry, or closely related fields. Previous research experience is encouraged but not required. Competitive applicants will be self-motivated, quick learners, and available to work 10 – 20 hours per week, depending on the week.
Compensation: $12 - $14 / hour for undergraduate and graduate students, respectively. The continuity of funding is contingent on the success of the early stages of this project. And the availability of work will be dependent on the company providing new materials to test. Each time there is a new material is submitted for testing, students will be called to perform the work during a total of ~ 10 – 24 hours.
Closing Date: November 14th, 2016.
Application: Interested applicants should email Dr. Vance, providing a single pdf with a cover letter describing your interest in the position and a complete CV with the contact information for 2 references. In the cover letter, applicants should clearly state their preferred position and whether they would be potentially interested in the other position as well. The position will likely start January 2017, but the successful applicant can start lab training during the Fall semester, as soon as possible.
Contact: Dr. Marina Vance (