Published: Feb. 26, 2018

The Rocky Mountain Association of Environmental Professional (RMAEP) is a non-profit association of environmental professionals across a variety of disciplines and practice areas. In addition to a robust professional membership they also have many students and recent graduates that attend their events to learn, network, and have fun. Student membership is $25 for the year and it only costs $10 for student members to attend our monthly lunch seminars (the cost includes lunch).

On February 28th at the Golden Community Center in Golden, Colorado, EVEN Professor Dr. Joe Ryan will be delivering a presentation on the effects of oil and gas development in the DJ Basin on water resources. Follow the link below for more information regarding RMAEP and the presentation:

Upcoming speaker topics range from stormwater management to vapor intrusion to the Preble's meadow jumping mouse.

Additionally, RMAEP offers two $1,500 student scholarships awarded on an annual basis. The scholarship eligibility requirements are changing (becoming easier for students to apply) so check back soon for those.