Published: Nov. 29, 2018

Researchers in the CU Geological Sciences department are looking to hire multiple undergraduate students as interns to assist in snowpack measurements during several field campaigns in Colorado this winter. The positions will start in mid-January 2019 and conclude in mid-May 2019. The interns will accompany the research team on a series of field trips to (1) Niwot Ridge LTER (< 1 hour from Boulder), and (2) to Crested Butte (4.5 hours from Boulder). The interns will assist in digging snow pits and measure snow properties, including snow density, stratigraphy, and snow water equivalent. Back at CU, the interns will work with a graduate research assistant in ensuring accurate and complete digitizing of data collected in the field.
Skills required: The interns must have some mountain winter travel experience (i.e., snowshoeing, back country skiing). Prior experience with snowpack measurements are preferable but not required. Student interns will provide their own cold weather clothing, backpack, and meals while in the field. Snowshoes will be provided for interns who do not have their own snow travel gear. Interns must be able to perform physical labor (e.g., digging snow pits) and to travel over some distances in snow (up to 6 miles in a day, 1600 ft gain in elevation), all in potentially adverse winter conditions.

Pay rate: $11/hour paid only for time spent in the field, for a maximum of $1000 through the term.

Work schedule: Student interns must be available during at least seven of these nine survey dates:
• January 20 (Niwot)
• Mar 1-2 (Niwot)
• Apr 14-16 (Crested Butte)
• Feb 1-2 (Niwot)
• Mar 14-16 (Crested Butte)
• May 1-2 (Niwot)
• Feb 13-16 (Crested Butte)
• Apr 1-2 (Niwot)
• May 14-16 (Crested Butte)

Field work is being coordinated with airborne surveys which are influenced by weather/logistics, so flexibility is essential. Work days at Niwot LTER entail a full work day (allot from 8 AM - 6 PM). Field trips to Crested Butte are 3-4 days (depending on logistics) and require multiple overnight stays (lodging costs covered by the project). The first and last days include travel between Boulder and Crested Butte.
Other responsibilities: The interns will work as a team to write a brief report summarizing the data collected in the field (due by May 31, 2019). Interns are not paid for time spent report writing.

To apply: please send an email to with “SNOW INTERN” in the subject line. Please attach a resume or CV. In the email, please include the following information:
1. Confirm your availability for the work schedule (see above) for January-May 2019 and note any days which you could not contribute.
2. Short description of mountain winter travel experience.
3. Short description of any research experience.
Interviews will begin on December 3 and continue until all positions are filled.