Published: Oct. 24, 2019

The group had a strong showing at the .  Prof. Borden gave a short course on ultrasound contrast agents, together with Hendrik Vos, and he chaired a scientific session on Microbubble Dynamics and Formulations.  Kang-Ho Song, Jordan Lum, Gazendra Shakya and Prof. Borden all gave oral presentations, and Traci Reusser gave a poster presentation.  Jordan Lum was selected as a finalist for the student paper competition.  Prof. Borden's service was recognized by the IEEE UFFC president with certificates for his short course and for his summer school.  Overall, it was a great meeting!

Group Photo at the Social Event:


Traci Reusser presents her poster:


Lab alumni James Kwan and Shashank Sirsi chair a session:
