Published: July 26, 2017
Robin Cadow

We areproud to congratulate our first PhD graduate in the Program in German Studies, Dr. Robin Cadow! Dr. Cadow's interdisciplinarydissertation,“A Complicated Relationship: Refugees and Holocaust Memories in Contemporary Germany,” explores sites of Holocaust memory that have emerged in response to the recent riseinrefugee migration to Germany. She was advised by Beverly Weber, Associate Professor of German Studies and Jewish Studies.

Dr. Cadow is the first graduate from our new PhD program, designed to encourage and supportinterdisciplinary work and to prepare students for a range of careers.

Dr. Cadow has also recently been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force, where she is also a senior pilot. In August, she will move to Germany to work as a Western European Regional Affairs Strategist, using her expertise to advise the four star General in charge of the US Air Force in Europe and Africa, specifically around NATO policy.

Congratulations, Robin!