Media outlets use CU News Corps material

Dec. 14, 2014

This fall students at Colorado University in Boulder analyzed political ad spending during the 2012 election season. The CU News Corps received national coverage in a number of prestigious publications. Below is a list of articles relating to these efforts. The Columbia Journalism Review ran an article detailing the News...

Political advertisers spend heavily on football games, 'Dancing with the Stars'

Dec. 5, 2012

This story appeared in the Denver Post and the Daily Camera. If you’re looking to escape political advertising in the next few weeks, you’ll have to turn off the television. Whether you are watching football, Dancing With the Stars, Days of Our Lives, or the evening news, the presidential candidates...

Metro area TV stations air ads worth $20 million

Dec. 5, 2012

This story also appeared on iNewsNetwork / Denver Business Journal / Denver Post / Daily Camera / Durango Herald Coloradans troubled by a sense that political advertising on TV truly is unremitting this late summer, the broadcast equivalent of a jackhammer breaking up an old sidewalk, may take some comfort...

Political ad spending stories in local news outlets

Dec. 5, 2012

Here’s where some of our Fall 2012 stories appeared: Campaigns, PACs spent more than $41M on ads: Daily Camera KUNC Longmont Times-Call Negative political ads - effective or not? : Jordan Wilsted and Gregory Ellison The Daily Camera KUNC Political ads – Who is spending? And how much? : Zach...

Campaigns, PACs spent $41M on 35,225 ads in Colorado

Dec. 5, 2012

© by gaelx / Flickr Creative Commons Almost $41 million and enough TV ads to fill more than 12 days of airtime, 24 hours a day. That’s the political advertising tally at Denver’s top four stations based on contracts filed between Aug. 2 and Nov. 14. The CU News Corps...

Outside spending, negative ads rampant in Colorado 2012 election

Dec. 5, 2012

This article also appeared in Daily Camera / Political television advertising is breaking records in Colorado this election season – and much of that advertising is negative. But academics who study the impact of such ads question how effective they are. Candidates and super PACs contracted for almost $36...

Swing state campaigners push for online advertising in 2012

Dec. 5, 2012

This article appeared on . © by Jesse Knish Photography for GDC Online/Flickr Creative Commons TV isn’t the only place those annoying political ads are popping up this election season. They’re also on YouTube, Hulu and Facebook, where campaigns are targeting younger potential voters, who don’t watch traditional TV...