Fundamental Cosmology in the Dark Ages with 21-cm Line Fluctuations

May 14, 2019

Steven Furlanetto, et al

A Space-Based Observational Strategy for Characterizing the First Stars and Galaxies Using the Redshifted 21-cm Global Spectrum

May 22, 2017

Jack Burns, Richard Bradley, Keith Tauscher, Steven Furlanetto, Jordan Mirocha, Raul Monsalve, David Rapetti, William Purcell, David Newell, David Draper, Robert MacDowall, Judd Bowman, Bang Nhan, Edward Wollack, Anastasia Fialkov, Dayton Jones, Justin Kasper, Abraham Loeb, Abhirup Datta, Jonathan Pritchard, Eric Switzer, Michael Bicay

Improved Measurement of the Spectral Index of the Diffuse Radio Background Between 90 and 190 MHz

Nov. 8, 2016

T.J. Mozdzen, J.D. Bowman, R.A. Monsalve, A.E.E. Rogers