Published: July 8, 2020

CU Boulder’sActive Learning Academy(ALA) is an NSF-funded, faculty-driven, and ASSETT-supported opportunity for STEM faculty to learn and apply research-based instructional strategies and course design principles to an undergraduate STEM course of their choosing.

TheALAoffers a series of three professional development programs. These programs are aimed at building capacity at CU Boulder forstudent-centered teachingin undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses and to be a “T1 at the R1.”

The first in the ALA series istheLearning by Designprogram begins in fall 2020.This is a six-session program that meets every other week over lunch (dates to be determined based on applicants’ input).The primary goals of theLearning by Designprogram are to:

  • Introduce participants to research-based instructional strategies and course design principles that facilitate active learning in an undergraduate STEM course they teach or will teach.
  • Cultivate a faculty learning community that together explores ways to apply active learning to their chosen courses.

After the end of the fall semester, participants will have completed and submitted a teaching portfolio for their chosen course, which can be later used for reference in annual reviews, promotionand tenure.Participants who complete theLearning by Design program will receive a faculty development award of $1,000; a certificate of completion; and a letter for their reappointment, promotionand tenure file.

Any instructor-rank and tenure-stream faculty who teaches undergraduate science, technology, engineering, or math courses is eligible to apply to participate inthe Learning by Designprogram.Cohort size is limited to 12.Preference will be given to pairs of faculty members from the same department who partner to completeLearning by Designtogether.

The other two ALA programs build off theLearning by Designprogram.The second in the ALA series is theFollow-Up Mentoringprogram, which will be offered each spring semester for four years.The third in the ALA series is theCourse Re/Design Awardprogram, which will be offered in the summer/fall period for three years.

For additional information about the Active Learning Academy and its programmatic offerings, contactAmanda.McAndrew@colorado.eduǰ