Downloadable audio files, transcripts and sample scripts for use by journalists. Contact Dirk Martin for more information.Ìý

American Junior Academy Of Sciences Headed To CU-Boulder Feb. 13 To Meet Top Scientists Through 2003 AAAS Meeting

Feb. 10, 2003

Note to Editors: The event is closed to the public but media are invited to attend. The morning lectures will be held at Fiske Planetarium. The top high school science students representing many of the 50 states will visit the University of Colorado at Boulder Feb. 13 to meet with CU-Boulder's top researchers, including Nobel laureates and MacArthur "genius grant" recipients.

Executive Producer Of "The Simpsons" To Speak At CU-Boulder Feb. 20

Feb. 9, 2003

Tim Long, a writer and co-executive producer of the long-running animated series "The Simpsons," will give a public talk at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Thursday, Feb. 20. Long, who will be on campus Feb. 19-20 as a guest of the World Affairs Athenaeum, will speak at 7 p.m. in the Mathematics Building, room 100. The event is free and open to the public.

'War' Chosen As 2003-04 Academic Theme For CU-Boulder Humanities Center

Feb. 9, 2003

To examine war through a wide range of human and artistic experiences in different cultures and eras, the University of Colorado at Boulder Center For Humanities and the Arts has announced its theme for the 2003-04 academic year will be "War." "We invite all members of the CU community to join in a broad, interdisciplinary conversation focused on war - and peace," said Jeff Cox, CHA director. The center will conduct a yearlong faculty and graduate student seminar, host a series of lectures, and hold a spring colloquium in conjunction with the theme.

Debate On 'Noise And Our National Parks' Featured Feb. 20-21 At CU-Boulder

Feb. 9, 2003

Editors: A complete schedule of events is attached. Members of the media wishing to attend should call (303) 492-4007 in advance of the conference due to limited space. Rising concern over noise from snowmobiles, touring planes and other mechanical devices in our nation's national parks will be addressed Feb. 20-21 at a University of Colorado at Boulder conference.

Chinese Orphanages And Cities Featured In Feb. 14 Photography Show At CU-Boulder

Feb. 6, 2003

Boulder veterinarian John McGee will present a talk and slide show at the University of Colorado at Boulder Sibell Wolle Fine Arts Building at 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 14, titled "Orphanages of China: An Adoptive Father's Perspective." The talk and slide presentation will be in room N141 of Sibell Wolle Fine Arts and will be followed by a short reception and viewing of the photographs in the "Work Space" in the fine arts building.

Ecology And Human Reproduction Topic Of Feb. 13 CU-Boulder Lecture

Feb. 5, 2003

Peter Ellison, a leading researcher in human reproductive physiology, will give a public talk at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Thursday, Feb. 13. Ellison, who will be on campus as part of the CU-Boulder anthropology department's Distinguished Lecturer series, will speak at 5:30 p.m. in the Hale Science building, room 270. The event is free and open to the public.

CU-Boulder Names Finalists For Dean Of School Of Journalism And Mass Communication

Feb. 5, 2003

Four finalists have been named for the position of dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Colorado at Boulder, according to Anne Heinz, dean of the division of Continuing Education and chair of the search committee. The finalists for the position are:

CU-Boulder Sources On War With Iraq

Feb. 4, 2003


CU-Boulder Aerospace Engineering Faculty And Students To View NASA Memorial At Engineering Center Today

Feb. 3, 2003

MEDIA ADVISORY CU-Boulder aerospace engineering faculty and students to view NASA memorial at engineering center today Aerospace engineering faculty members and students at the University of Colorado at Boulder will gather to watch today's NASA memorial service for the astronauts who died in the Saturday explosion of the space shuttle Columbia.

CU-Boulder Names Finalists For School Of Law Dean

Feb. 3, 2003

Six finalists have been named for the position of dean of the School of Law at the University of Colorado at Boulder, according to Daniel Sher, dean of the College of Music and chair of the search committee.
