
Margaret Murnane elected to American Philosophical Society

May 19, 2015

University of Colorado Boulder Distinguished Professor Margaret Murnane has been elected to the prestigious American Philosophical Society (APS). Murnane, a fellow at JILA -- a joint institute of CU-Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology -- and professor in the physics department, is the fourth CU-Boulder faculty member to be elected to APS. There were 34 people worldwide elected in 2015 to the society, which was founded in 1743 in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin, who later became its first president.

A hopeful new strategy for treating Parkinson’s disease

May 14, 2015

A novel compound developed by a team led by the University of Colorado Boulder may be therapeutic in suppressing misguided inflammatory responses by a set of immune cells known as microglia to perceived damage to the brain and nervous system.

Ecological restoration must be held to more robust standards, says interdisciplinary team of scholars

May 7, 2015

Policy communities increasingly call upon ecological restoration as a means to address many of the major threats facing the world’s ecosystems. But internationally accepted best practices for restoration efforts are noticeably absent.

Emirates Mars Mission

United Arab Emirates to partner with CU-Boulder on 2021 Mars mission

May 7, 2015

A mission to study dynamic changes in the atmosphere of Mars over days and seasons led by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) involves the University of Colorado Boulder as the leading U.S. scientific-academic partner.

‘Schools of Opportunity’ project announces first honorees, including seven Colorado high schools

May 7, 2015

The National Education Policy Center (NEPC) at the University of Colorado Boulder announced today that 17 high schools in New York and Colorado are the first to receive the “School of Opportunity” designation. These outstanding schools demonstrated a range of practices that ensured that all students had rich opportunities to succeed. All put students, not test scores, first.

Naval pilot earns soaring praise for honors’ research

May 5, 2015

Before Courtnie Paschall touched down at the University of Colorado Boulder, she’d graduated from the Naval Academy (‘08), attained the rank of lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and undergone years of flight training. Paschall graduates on May 9 with a degree in neuroscience and a minor in electrical engineering. She earned the distinction of graduating summa cum laude and was named the Outstanding Graduate for the College of Arts and Sciences for spring 2015.

Freshmen participate in huge research study on tiny viruses

May 1, 2015

A new study appearing this week in the scientific journal eLIFE about the rapid evolution of small viruses that infect bacteria includes 59 University of Colorado Boulder co-authors, all of whom conducted research for the paper as freshmen.

New study links drinking behaviors with mortality

April 28, 2015

A new University of Colorado Boulder study involving some 40,000 people indicates that social and psychological problems caused by drinking generally trump physically hazardous drinking behaviors when it comes to overall mortality rates.

Faculty, students celebrate Hubble Space Telescope’s 25th anniversary

April 23, 2015

University of Colorado Boulder astronomers, who helped design and build instruments for and have made hundreds of observations using the Hubble Space Telescope since its launch, are celebrating the observatory’s 25th anniversary.

Mountains warming faster than expected as climate changes, scientists report

April 23, 2015

An international team of scientists is calling for urgent and rigorous monitoring of temperature patterns in mountain regions after compiling evidence that high elevations could be warming faster than previously thought.
