
  • Cover of the August 2016 ACS Catalysis journal
    Research from PhD candidate Garrett Chado and Professors Mark Stoykovich and Joel Kaar has been highlighted on the August 2016 cover of ACS Catalysis. The article addresses previous gaps in understanding about how the density and arrangement of
  • Tariq Jamil accepts his award for Best Poster.
    PhD student Tariq Jamil earned the "Best Poster" award at the 5th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering, held June 13-15 in Alicante, Spain.The poster was titled "Refined Parameters for Cations and Anions in Aqueous Solution for
  • Michael Detamore (ChemEngr ’00) has been named founding director of the new Peggy and Charles Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma.OU established the school and named its Gallogly College of Engineering in 2015
  • Adrienne Rosales
    Adrianne Rosales, a postdoctoral researcher in the Anseth research group, was selected for the Career Awards at the Scientific Interface program.
  • The National Academy of Engineering has invited Assistant Professor Andrew Goodwin to participate in its 2016 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.The symposium, which accepts only 100 engineers from industry, universities and government labs to
  • Ron West
    Former ChE professor Ronald E. West passed away May 23 after a long battle with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, a rare lymphoma. Ron taught in the department from 1957 until 1995, developing strong friendships and devoting countless hours
  • Tara Lovestead
    As a graduate student in the early 2000s, Tara Lovestead learned the ropes of scholarly research under Professor Chris Bowman. Now a researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology working on analytical chemistry applications, Lovestead is one of only 105 scientists nationwide to earn the 2016 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
  • Al Weimer and student
    After 16 years in industry, Professor Al Weimer moved to academia in search of new research opportunities. He's found them at CU Boulder, where he investigates solar thermal processing and atomic layer deposition, a process he patented to coat individual particles in ultrathin films.

    Today his lab is applying this technology to improve everything from biofuel production to vaccine stabilization to 3D printing and more.
  • Researchers from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at CU Boulder have won a $1 million grant from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency for research that could enable next-generation detectors for weapons of mass destruction.
  • Frozen Dead Guy Coffin Races
    Seven PhD students proved their mettle in March by winning an unusual athletic competition that's part of the Frozen Dead Guy Days festival in nearby Nederland. They even defeated the six-time defending champions - a mechanical engineering group from CU Boulder.
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