
  • Christine Hrenya
    The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded $3 million in additional research funding to Professors Christine Hrenya and Thomas Hauser to advance simulation technologies that are being used to develop next-generation energy systems.
  • Jim Gallogly speaks at DLC ceremony
    Part of the family's gift establishes an endowed professorship in the chemical and biological engineering department.
  • Kathryn Tobey
    Alumna Kathy Tobey accepted the George Norlin Award on Thursday, Oct. 13 from the University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Aaron Morris
    Aaron Morris, a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Christine Hrenya’s group from 2013-15, has accepted a tenure-track faculty position in mechanical engineering at Purdue University.
  • CU logo
    The department is seeking alumni to serve as mentors to undergraduate ChBE students. Mentors provide real-world advice on career paths, graduate schools, professionalism and other topics. Contact Carrie Ngai for more information
  • Students talk with an industry client
    Do you have a technical problem that our chemical engineering seniors can work on? Consider enlisting a student team in our spring semester capstone design course. At no cost to clients they will analyze your problem, develop ideas and data, and
  • Michael Shirts
    As one of the newest faculty additions to the department, Associate Professor Michael Shirts and his team work to improve computer simulations of molecular phenomena, providing useful insights for designing new materials and discovering information that can’t be discerned through direct experiment.
  • Bourbon and Branch logo
    Alumni and friends in the San Francisco area are invited to a reception Nov. 14 at the legendary Bourbon & Branch speakeasy.

    Held in conjunction with the AIChE Annual Meeting, the event includes craft cocktails and opportunities to mingle with alumni, faculty and friends of the department in a venue unlike any other.
  • Charles Musgrave
    As the new department chair, Professor Charles Musgrave has his sights set on catapulting the department into the next era of research and teaching excellence.
  • The Colorado Buffaloes atop snowy Denali.
    A group of CU Engineering affiliates — including ChBE instructor Charlie Nuttelman — climbed 20,310-foot Denali, the highest peak in North America, this summer. Despite the possibility of altitude-related illness, extreme cold and unpredictable weather, the group reached the peak June 16.
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