Gevurtz Menashe Larson & Howe addedRyan C. Kaiser(Span’01) as an associate attorney. In 2010, 2011 and 2012Super Lawyers Magazinerecognized Ryan as a “Rising Star.” Gevurtz Menashe is one of the largest firms in the country with a practice limited to divorce and family law. Ryan will handle family law matters in Oregon.

Posted Jun. 1, 2013

At California Lutheran UniversityAdina Nack(PhDSoc’01) has been advanced to the rank of full professor in the sociology department. She has a bachelor’s degree in social ecology from University of California, Irvine. Adina lives in Thousand
Oaks, Calif.

Posted Dec. 1, 2012

Violinist and patron of the artsKyle Heckman(Econ, Fin’01, MBA’10) was elected president of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra board. Kyle is a 2005 graduate of the League of American Orchestras’ intensive “Essentials of Orchestra Management.” He is president of Flatirons Bank and lives in Lafayette, Colo.

Posted Dec. 1, 2012

Estey Realty Group announcedStephanie Fairchild(Psych’01) joined the company as broker associate and executive assistant to Dan Estey. For eight years Stephanie has been a licensed realtor and broker associate. She lives in Boulder.

Posted Sep. 1, 2012

On Jan. 30Lori Strongin(Comm, Engl’01) released her debut young adult novelBite Me: Or the Obvious Title for a Novel ˮƵ a Vampire and a Werewolf(Mundania Press). She also is a writing conference director and a “slush reader” who reads unsolicited queries and manuscripts for an agency in New York.

Posted Jun. 1, 2012

Since graduatingRandall Flint(CompSci’01) has worked at Lockheed Martin. He writes he got married in 2001 and lives happily with his wife and dog in Littleton, Colo.

Posted Dec. 1, 2011

Technology Reviewmagazine recognizedPiya Sorcar(Bus, Econ, Jour’01) as a TR35 Honoree for 2011. The TR35 recognizes the world’s top innovators under 35 in several emerging fields and chose Piya for her development of TeachAIDS, software that addresses problems associated with HIV prevention. She developed TeachAIDS as part of her graduate work at Stanford, and the materials are being used in more than 30 countries, including some where HIV-related education has not been previously allowed. Piya lives in Mountain View, Calif.

Posted Dec. 1, 2011

Ian Cohen (Jour’02) is an executive producer of The Barber of Little Rock, a short documentary film recently nominated for an Academy Award. Cohen’s film is a provocative and emotional conversation starter about the racial wealth gap in America. It is available to stream for free on both YouTube and The New Yorker website.

Posted Jul. 15, 2024

DzԲٳ󲹲Ǵǰ (Law’02)is CEO of Native RootsCannabis Co. UponJonathan’s arrival withthe company, NativeRoots had one retailstore. Now, the companyhas 21 locations. Underhis leadership, NativeRoots has supported scientific research to betterunderstand the effectsof cannabis and cannabinoids. Additionally,under Jonathan, thecompany earned a spoton the Civic 50, a list thatdetails the most community-minded companiesthroughout Colorado.

Posted Nov. 6, 2023

This spring,Ѿ󲹱DZó (EthnSt’02) joinedthe Hawaiian impactinvestment firm as director ofenergy. In his role, heoversees the energysector investing andhelps lead projects thatfocus on clean energyfor Hawaii. “Empoweringcommunities throughsustainable energysolutions is not justa job, it’s a passion,”Michael said on the firm’s website. He livesin Honolulu.

Posted Nov. 6, 2023

Luke Glisan(Mgmt’02) joined theDenver office of theBrownstein Hyatt FarberSchreck law firm asa shareholder in thecorporate and businessdepartment. In thisposition, Luke is responsible for issues relating toemployment law, such asmergers and acquisitions,hiring and promotions.Prior to this position, heworked in the field of lawin New York, Chicagoand Washington, D.C. inpositions ranging fromin-house employmentcounsel and employeerelations teams to a lawfirm partner.

Posted Nov. 6, 2023

After previous post-ings in Lebanon, Russia,Georgia, Armenia andZimbabwe,dz󲹰 (MEcon’02) is theUnited Nations residentcoordinator based inNew Delhi, where he isalso head of the U.N.system in India. He writes that he would be happy to be in touch with any Forever Buffs planning to visit the area. Email him

Posted Nov. 6, 2023

Ryan Thomas (Geol’02; Law’08) joined law firm Landye Bennett and Blumstein in Anchorage, Alaska, as an associate attorney. Ryan focuses on real estate transactions, business law, working with Alaska Native Corporations and other transactional work.

Posted Jul. 10, 2023

Harvard Law graduate Everett Martínez (Psych’02) was named general counsel to Denver International Airport (DEN). After working over a decade in the law firm setting, Everett joined the Denver City Attorney’s Office (CAO) in 2016 and became assistant general counsel in 2020. Throughout his tenure at the CAO, Everett, who specialized in complex financial transactions, demonstrated a commitment to the betterment of the department. After his promotion Everett said, “In 1993 I toured DEN during its construction and was in awe of the facility. It’s been a dream come true to represent the airport, and I believe our best days are still to come.” He lives in Arvada, Colorado.

Posted Mar. 6, 2023

Aaron Perry (Ger’02;MA’02) published hisdebut novel, .The eco-thriller is Colorado-based and includesscenes from the CUBoulder campus beforethe protagonist makesa fateful decision. Aaronis also the co-founder,executive director andhost of the community podcast.Aaron lives in Boulder.

Posted Nov. 7, 2022

Four-time Emmy Awardnominee Kevin Wendling(Psych’02) won his firstnational sports EmmyAward for best Outstanding Technical TeamEvent. Kevin has beenan operations producerfor ESPN and ABC since2003. In the last year, hehas worked on ESPN’sMonday Night Football,College Football Saturdays and the CollegeFootball National Championship, Monday NightFootball with Peyton andEli, the Women’s CollegeWorld Series, the MLBAll Star Game, NCAAConference Championship Basketball, the LittleLeague World Series andthe Rose Parade.

Posted Nov. 7, 2022

KhalilahLouis Caines(Psych’02) is a professorof social work at SaintLeo University in SaintLeo, Florida. Khalilahserved her communityas a social worker forover a decade in manypositions, including childwelfare case manager and adoption caremanager. In 2016, shetransitioned to teachingsocial work courses atSaint Leo University,where she’s been since.Caines has a master’sdegree in social work,numerous certificationswithin her field and iscurrently working towarda PhD in public affairsfrom the University ofCentral Florida.

Posted Nov. 7, 2022

Jefferson Dodge(MJour’02) was namedColorado State University’s director of internalcommunications in June.Jeff, who worked forCU’s former faculty andstaff newspaper Silver& Gold Record for 12years, has been at CSUsince 2014, servingmost recently as interimdirector of the university’s News and MediaRelations team.

Posted Nov. 7, 2022

Executive producer of Colorado Public Radio’s Audio Innovations Studio, Brad Turner (Jour, Mus’02), contributed to the podcast “Music Blocks,” which won the “Best Podcast for Kids” Ambie award. “Music Blocks,” geared for middle and high schoolers, explores how songwriters and composers express emotion through sound.

Posted Jun. 21, 2022

Freelance writer and editor Heather Mundt (MJour’02) published her first book, Colorado Family Outdoor Adventure, in May. The book details more than 60 destination options, sorted geographically and with rankings of difficulty and age-appropriateness. Her two sons are featured throughout the book. Heather thanks Doug Cosper, her favorite CU journalism professor, in her book’s acknowledgments section.

Posted Jun. 21, 2022
