Student work opportunity in air quality

Oct. 28, 2016

Two hourly research positions in air quality. Project: The Vance Group and Hannigan Group are each looking for one motivated student (undergraduate or graduate) to work on emissions of air pollutants from 3D printing activities. This work is a good opportunity for an MS student to develop their thesis or...

REU Summer Research Opportunities for Undergraduates

Oct. 27, 2016

The Florida State University High Performance Materials Institute and supporting FAMU-FSU College of Engineering is pleased to announce that application to our two concurrent summer Research Experience for Undergraduates programs for students pursuing STEM related degrees is now open: D iversity in R esearch and E ngineering of A dvanced...

New Course for Spring 2017: Emerging Technologies: Microbial Electrochemistry Platform

Oct. 26, 2016

EVEN Prof. Jason Ren will offer a new graduate level course in the Spring focusing on emerging technologies: CVEN 5834: Emerging Technologies: Microbial Electrochemistry Platform Spring 2017 Meeting Times and Location: Tuesdays, 9:00-11:15am, SEEC S265 Objectives: Discuss the fundamental microbial electrochemistry (ME) theories and applied technologies that emerged during the...

Assistant Professor Position in Environmental Engineering at U of Iceland

Oct. 24, 2016

The University of Iceland is interested in hiring at the Assistant Professor level in their Environmental Engineering program. More information is available by following the link:

Opportunity for a PhD at EAWAG

Oct. 24, 2016

The PhD project focuses on the Stability of Natural Toxins and is part of a EU International Training Network (ITN). PhD Student in Environmental Chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) on the Topic: Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality – From Source to Tap:...

Udall Undergraduate Student Scholarship

Oct. 20, 2016

The Udall Foundation offers a prestigious scholarship for students seeking careers in environmental fields. Applicants should be leading change on their campus or in their community. The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship is a scholarship up to $7,000 awarded to 60 undergraduate sophomores and juniors pursuing careers related to the environment. Udall...

Fellowship: Anthony A. Lapham River Conservation Fellow

Oct. 19, 2016

American Rivers has begun accepting applications for the 2017-2019 Anthony A. Lapham River Conservation Fellowship. The Fellowship gives talented post-graduates the opportunity to engage in relevant research and work in the field of river conservation and is flexible enough to be appropriate for recent MA/MS/PhD/JD/MBA recipients. The successful applicant will...

Employment opportunities in Environmental Hydrology and Aquatic Ecology

Oct. 19, 2016

Environmental Hydrology Research Associates Openings at all levels, baccalaureate through postdoctoral U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia Anticipating how the aquatic health of the nation’s streams and rivers will evolve under changing land use and a shifting climate is at the forefront of problems being investigated by U.S. Geological Survey. Jud...

Prof. Sherri Cook New Publication

Oct. 19, 2016

Environmental Comparison of Biochar and Activated Carbon for Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Kyle A. Thompson † , Kyle K. Shimabuku † , Joshua P. Kearns † ‡ , Detlef R. U. Knappe ‡ , R. Scott Summers † , and Sherri M. Cook † † Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural...

Prof. Linden Sustainable Potable Water Systems Summer Course in Chile

Oct. 19, 2016

CVEN 4834 – Special Topics: Sustainable Potable Water Systems in Chile We’re happy to announce a new opportunity for engineering students to spend three weeks studying the application of rural water supply systems in Chile. You can travel with fellow CU engineering students and collaborate with local students in Chile...
