• Shao-Tuan Chen,Megan N. Renny,Liliana C. Tomé,Jorge L. Olmedo-Martínez,Esther Udabe,Elise P. W. Jenkins,David Mecerreyes,George G. Malliaras,Robert R. McLeod,Christopher M. Proctor, "", Advanced Science 2021.
  • Asais Camila Uzcategui, Callie I Higgins, John E Hergert, Andrew E Tomaschke, Victor Crespo-Cuevas, Virginia L Ferguson, Stephanie J Bryant, Robert R McLeod, Jason P Killgore, "," Small Science, 2021.


  • McLeod, R.R., “,” Polymers 2020, 2744, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/polym12112744
  • Hu, Y., Kowalski, B.A., Mavila, S., Podgórski, M., Sinha, J., Sullivan, A.C., McLeod, R.R., Bowman, C.N., “,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (39), 44103-44109, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c08872
  • Cook, C. C., Fong, E. J., Schwartz, J. J., Porcincula, D. H., Kaczmarek, A. C., Oakdale, J. S., Moran, B. D., Champley, K. M., Rackson, C. M., Muralidharan, A., McLeod, R. R., Shusteff, M., “” Adv. Mater. 2020, 2003376, 2020.
  • D. B. Miller, A. Jones, R.R. McLeod, “” Applied Optics 59 (18), 5399-5407, 2020
  • C.I. Higgins, J. Killgore, F.W. DelRio, S. Bryant, R. R. McLeod, “,” Soft Matter 2020, 4131-4141, 2020
  • M. D. Alim, K. K. Childress, N. J. Baugh, A. M. Martinez, A. Davenport, B. D. Fairbanks, M. K. McBride, B. T. Worrell, J. W. Stansbury, R. R. McLeod, C. N. Bowman, “,” Materials Horizons 7, 835-842, 2020.


  • D. B. Miller, M.D. Alim, R. R. McLeod,, Optics Letters 44,6021-6024,2019
  • M.D. Alim, S. Mavila, D.B. Miller, S.Huang, M.Podgórski, L.M. Cox, A.C. Sullivan, R.R. McLeod, C.N. Bowman,, ACS Materials Letters 2019,582-588, 2019.
  • D. B. Miller, A. M. Jones, R. R. McLeod, “,” Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMs 18,013505, 2019.
  • J. H. Hergert, D. J. Glugla, A.C. Sullivan, M. D. Alim, R. R. McLeod, "." Optics Letters,Vol. 44, Issue 7, pp. 1540-1543,2019.
  • A. Muralidharan, A. C. Uzcategui, R. R. McLeod, S. J. Bryant, “,” Advanced Materials Technologies 4, 1900592, 2019.


  • V. Venkatraman, J. Friedlein, I. McCulloch, R. R. McLeod, J. Rivnay, “,”Advanced Science2018,5, 1800453, 2018.
  • J. T. Friedlein, R. R. McLeod, J. Rivnay, “,” Organic Electronics 63, pp. 398-414, 2018.
  • A. C. Uzcategui, A. Muralidharan, V. L. Ferguson, S. J. Bryant, and R. R. McLeod, “,” Advanced Engineering Materials 2018, 1800876, 2018. .
  • D. J. Glugla, M. B. Chosy, M. D. Alim, K. K. Childress, A. C. Sullivan, R. R. McLeod, “,”Optics Letters 43, pp. 1866-1869, 2018
  • D. J. Glugla, M. B. Chosy, M. D. Alim, A. C. Sullivan, R. R. McLeod, “,”Optics Express 26, pp. 1851-1869, 2018
  • M. D. Alim, D. J. Glugla, S. Mavila, C. Wang, P. D. Nystrom, A. C. Sullivan, R. R. McLeod, C. N. Bowman, “,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces10, pp. 1217-1224,2018


  • Elizabeth A Aisenbrey, Andrew Tomaschke, Eric Kleinjan, Archish Muralidharan, Cecilia Pascual-Garrido, Robert R McLeod, Virginia L. Ferguson, Stephanie J Bryant, “,”Macromol. Biosci. 2017, 1700267, 2017
  • Mary Donahue, Adam Williamson, Xenofon Strakosas, Jacob Friedlein, Robert McLeod, Helena Gleskova, George G. Malliaras,“,“Advanced Materials2017, 1705031, 2017
  • J. T. Friedlein, J. Rivnay, D. H. Dunlap, I McCulloch, S. E. Shaheen, R. R. McLeod, George G. Malliaras, “,”Applied Physics Letters111, 023301 (2017)


  • C. I. Fiedler, E. A. Aisenbrey, J.A. Wahlquist, C. M. Heveran, V. L. Ferguson, S. J. Bryant, and R. R. McLeod, “,” Soft Matter12, 9095 – 9104,2016
  • D. J. Glugla, M. Alim, K. Byars, D. P. Nair, C. N. Bowman, K.K. Maute, R. R. McLeod, “,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces8, 29658-29667, 2016
  • Z. D. Marks, D. Glugla, J. T. Friedlein, S. M. Shaheen, R. R. McLeod, M. Y. Kahook and D. P. Nair, “,”Organic Electronics37, 271-279, 2016
  • J. T. Friedlein, M. J. Donahue, S. E. Shaheen, G. G. Malliaras, and R. R. McLeod,“,”Advanced Materials28, 8398–8404, 2016.
  • B. A. Kowalski, R. R. McLeod, “,”J. Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics54, 1021-1035, 2016
  • M. I. Bodine, R. R. McLeod,Optics Letters41, pp. 159-162, 2016.


  • A. Aguirre-Soto, A. T. Hwang, D. Glugla, J. W. Wydra, R. R. McLeod, C. N. Bowman, J. W. Stansbury,Macromolecules48, pp. 6781-6790, 2015.
  • J. T. Friedlein, S. E. Shaheen, G. G. Malliaras, R. R. McLeod,Advanced Electronic Materials2015, pp. 1500189 (9 pages), 2015.
  • Darren L. Forman, Robert R. McLeod, Parag K. Shah, Jeffrey W. Stansbury,,Dental Materials31, pp. 1090-1099, 2015
  • A.C. Urness, K. Anderson, W. L. Wilson and R. R. McLeod,Optics Express23, pp. 264–273, 2015.


  • R. R. McLeod and K. H. Wagner,, Advances in Optics and Photonics 6, pp. 368-412 ,2014.
  • S. Shajiee, L. Y. Pao, and R. R. McLeod,Wind Engineering 38, pp. 587-600, 2014.
  • H. Peng, C. Wang, W. Xi, B. A Kowalski, T. Gong, X. Xie, W. Wang, D. P. Nair, R. R. McLeod, C. N. Bowman,Chemistry of Materials 26, pp. 6819–6826, 2014.
  • Benjamin A. Kowalski, Adam C. Urness, Martha-Elizabeth Baylor, Michael C. Cole, William L. Wilson, Robert R. McLeod,,” Optics Materials Express 4, pp. 1668-1682, 2014.
  • H. Peng, D. P. Nair, B. A. Kowalski, W. Xi, T. Gong, C. Wang, M. Cole, N. B. Cramer, X. Xie, R. R. McLeod, and C. N. Bowman,,” Macromolecules, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 2306–2315, 2014.


  • Darren L. Forman, Michael C. Cole and Robert R. McLeod,,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.15, 14862 – 14867, 2013
  • A. Linnenberger, M. I. Bodine, C. Fiedler, J. J. Roberts, S. C. Skaalure, S. J. Bryant M. Cole, R. R. McLeod,,” Optics Express21, 10269-10277, 2013
  • M.R. Gleeson, Y. Tomita, S. Gallego, and R. McLeod,,” Physics Research International2013, Article ID 430947, 2 pages, 2013
  • A.C. Urness, E.D. Moore, K.K. Kamysiak, M.C Cole and R.R McLeod,,” Light: Science & Applications2, e56, 2013


  • Martha-Elizabeth Baylor, Benjamin W. Cerjan, Charlotte R. Pfiefer, Robert W. Boyne, Charles L. Couch, Neil B. Cramer, Christopher N. Bowman, Robert R. McLeod,,”Optical Materials Express2, 1548-1555, 2012.
  • C. Ye, K. T. Kamysiak, A. C. Sullivan, R. R. McLeod,, Optics Express 20, 6575-6583, 2012.
  • D. P. Nair, N. B. Cramer, J. C. Gaipa, M. K. McBride, R. R. McLeod, R. Shandas, C.N. Bowman,, Advanced Functional Materials 2012, 1-9, 2012.


  • T.F. Scott, C. Kloxin, D. Forman, R. R. McLeod, C. Bowman,, J. Mater. Chem 21, 14150-14155, 2011.
  • E. D. Moore, R. R. McLeod,, Optics Express 19, 8117-8126, 2011.


  • M. R. Gleeson, S. Liu, R. R. McLeod, J. T. Sheridan,, JOSA B 26, 1746-1754, 2009.
  • T. F. Scott, B. A. Kowalski, A. C. Sullivan, C.N. Bowman, R. R. McLeod,, Science 324, 913-917, 2009.
  • M. R. Ayres, R. R. McLeod,, Applied Optics 48, 3626-3637, 2009.
  • R. R. McLeod,, JOSA B 26, 308-317, 2009.


  • C. Ye, R. R. McLeod,, Optics Letters 33, 2575-2577, 2008.
  • E. D. Moore, R. R. McLeod,, Optics Express 16, 13139-13149, 2008.
  • R. R. McLeod, A. J. Daiber, T. Honda, M. E. McDonald, T. L. Robertson, T. Slagle, S. L. Sochava, and L. Hesselink,, Applied Optics 47, 2696-2707, 2008.
  • L. Gao, K. H. Wagner, R. R. McLeod,, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 14, 625-634, 2008.
  • S. Kim, R. R. Mcleod, M. Saffman, and K. H. Wagner,, Applied Optics 47, 1816-1831, 2008.
  • R. R. McLeod, l, in Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, Benjamin Wah, editor, John Wiley & Sons, 2069-2082, 2008.


  • A. C. Sullivan and R. R. McLeod,, Optics Express 15, 14202-14212, 2007.
  • A. C. Sullivan, M. W. Grabowski, R. R. McLeod,, Applied Optics 46, 295-301, 2007.


  • M. R. Ayres and R. R. McLeod,, Applied Optics 45, 8410-8418, 2006.
  • R. R. McLeod and S. K. Walter,, Applied Optics 45, 7065-7072, 2006.


  • R. R. McLeod and T. Honda,, Optics Letters 30, 2647-2649, 2005.
  • R. R. McLeod, A. J. Daiber, M. E. McDonald, T. L. Robertson, T. Slagle, S. L. Sochava, and L. Hesselink,, Applied Optics 44, 3197-3207, 2005.


  • T. Honda, A.C. Liu, J. Valera, J. Colvin, K. Sawyer, R.R. McLeod,, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15, 69 -71, 2003.
  • R. McLeod, S. Blair, and K. Wagner,, Physica Scripta 59, 365-373, 1999.
  • R. McLeod, K. Wu, K. Wagner, and R.T. Weverka,, Applied Optics 35, 6331-6353, 1996.
  • S. Blair, K. Wagner and R. McLeod,, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 13, 2141-2153, 1996.
  • R. Mcleod, K. Wagner and S. Blair,, Physical Review A 52, 3254-3278, 1995.
  • T. Weverka, K. Wagner, R.R. McLeod, K. Wu, ``Low-Loss Acousto-Optic Photonic Switch,'' in Acousto-Optic Signal Processing, Marcel Dekker, NY, 1994.
  • S. Blair, K. Wagner, R. McLeod,, Optics Letters 19, 1943-1945, 1994.
  • M. J. Barth, R. R. McLeod, and R.W. Ziolkowski,, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 6, 5–18, 1992.
  • A. Gautesen, R.W. Ziolkowski, and R.R. McLeod, , SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 51, p. 1556, 1991.