Journal Articles

(most recent first)

  • Haagenson, R., Rajaram, H. and Allen, J. (2020). ,Computers & Geosciences, 135, 2020.
  • Tracy, A. and Javernick-Will, A. (2020). ,Sustainability. 12(6), 2308.
  • Campbell, N. M., Leon-Corwin, M., Ritchie, L. A., & Vickery, J. (2020). ,The Extractive Industries and Society.
  • Baird, Bridger W., Liel, Abbie B., and Chase, Robert E. (2020). Magnitude Thresholds and Spatial Footprints of Damage from Induced Earthquakes,Earthquake Spectra,In Press, 2020.
  • Robert E. Chase, Abbie B. Liel, Nicolas Luco, and Bridger W. Baird. (2019).,Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, In Press, 2019.
  • Liu, Taojun, Nicolas Luco, andAbbie B. Liel. (2019).,Earthquake Spectra, 35(2), 471-488.
  • Barba-Sevilla, M., Baird, B. W., Liel, A. B., and Tiampo, K. F. (2018).,Remote Sensing,10(11), 1715.
  • Birdsell, D., S. Karra, and H. Rajaram (2018).,Water Resources Researh, 54(2), 1382-1388.
  • Brown, M.R.M.,S. Ge,A.F. Sheehan, andJ.S. Nakai(2017).,Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,122.
  • Nakai, J.S.,Weingarten M.,Sheehan A.F.,Bilek S.L.&Ge S.(2017)..Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,122.
  • Nakai, J.S., A.F. Sheehan, and S.L. Bilek (2017)., Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122.
  • White, I., T. Lui, N. Luco, A. Liel (2017).,89(1), Seismological Research Letters,127 – 137.
  • Yeck, W.L., A.F. Sheehan, H.M. Benz, M. Weingarten, J. Nakai (2016)., Colorado, Seismological Research Letters, v. 86, no. 5.
  • McGarr, A., Bekins, B., Burkardt, N., Dewey, J., Earle, P., Ellsworth, W., Ge, S., Hickman, S., Holland, A., Majer, E., Rubinstein, J., Sheehan, A. (2015).. Science: 1 347 (6224).

Conference Proceedings & Abstracts

(most recent first)

  • Chon, Enrique, (2019).Repeating Earthquakes and Shear Wave AnisotropyMeasurements from an Induced Seismicity Case Study, WattenbergDisposal Zone, 3rd Schatzalp Workshop on Induced Seismicity,Davos, Switzerland, March 5-8, 2019. Oral presentation.
  • Ritchie, Liesel, (2019).Risk Perceptions of Human-Induced Seismicity: A Sociological Perspective, Mississippi State University's Social Science Research Center, Mississippi, MS
  • Baird, B.W., Liel, A.B.,Chase, R.E., (2019).,13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13, Seoul, South Korea, May 2019.
  • Chon, E., and A. Sheehan,(2018).Repeating Earthquakes and ShearWave Anisotropy Measurements from an Induced Seismicity CaseStudy, Wattenberg Disposal Zone, CO,American GeophysicalUnion, poster S33C-0606. Washington D.C., December 2018.
  • Tiampo, KF,(2018).Characterizing Infrastructure Changes Using InSAR, GRSG Oil and Gas Remote Sensing Workshop, Boulder, CO, 2018
  • Barba, M, Tiampo, KF,(2018).InSAR Time-Series Analysis of Induced Seismicity, in Weld County, Colorado, GRSG Oil and Gas Remote Sensing Workshop, Boulder, CO, 2018
  • Tiampo, KF,(2019).InSAR Analysis of Infrastructure and Induced Seismicity, invited talk, Denver Geophysical Society, Denver, CO, July, 2018
  • Tracy, A., Javernick-Will, A., (2018). Trust of Information Sources Regarding Oil and Gas Development and Induced Seismicity.Presentation.24thInternational Symposium on Society and Natural Resources, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2018
  • Brown, M, Barba, M, Ge, S, Tiampo, KF,(2018).Calibration of Pore Pressure Models through the Integration of InSAR Results and Vertical Deformation Estimates, GSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 2018.
  • Birdsell, D.T., Rajaram, H., & Karra, S. (2018). Code development for modeling induced seismicity with flow and mechanics using a discrete fracture network and matrix formulation with evolving hydraulic diffusivity. 52nd American Rock Mechanics Association Symposium. Seattle, WA.
  • Chase R, Liel A, Luco N. (2018).. 11th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Haagenson, R., Rajaram, H., Karra, S., & Allen, J (2018). Modeling Nonlinear Diffusion in Fractured Rock with Deformable Fractures and Applications to Injection Induced Seismicity. 52nd American Rock Mechanics Association Symposium. Seattle, WA.
  • Tracy, A., Klucik, R., Javernick-Will, A., Poleacovschi, C. (2018). .Proceedings of the 2018 Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, LA.
  • Tracy, A. and Javernick-Will, A. (2018). Credibility of Information Sources for Induced Seismicity and Oil and Gas Development. 2018 Engineering Project Organizations Conference, Croatia.
  • Vickery, Jamie, Campbell, Nnenia, and Liesel Ritchie (2018). Understanding Risk Perception and Uncertainty in the Context of Induced Seismicity: An Oklahoma Case Study.International Symposium on Society and Resource Management Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Chase, Robert andAbbie B. Liel (2017). , 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
  • Liu, Taojun, Nicolas Luco,Abbie B. Liel,and Susan Hoover (2017). ,16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
  • Liu, Taojun, Nicolas Luco, Abbie B. Liel and Sanaz Rezaeian (2017).,ICOSSAR,Vienna, 2017.
  • Tracy, A., Javernick-Will, A. and D. Baummer (2017). .2017 Engineering Project Organizations Conference, Stanford, CA.
  • Barba,M.,K.Tiampo,S.Samsonov,W.Feng.(2017).InSAR MSBAS Time-Series Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Colorado and Oklahoma. Seismological Society of AmericaAnnual Meeting, Denver,CO.
  • Campbell, Nnenia, Vickery, Jamie, and Liesel Ritchie (2017). Making Sense of Uncertainty: Risk Communication in the Context of Induced Seismicity.Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Barba, M.,Tiampo, K.F., Samsonov, S., Feng, W. (2016),AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
  • Barba, M.,Tiampo, K.F.,Samsonov, S. (2016)., AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
  • Barba, M.,Tiampo, K.F., (2016).Geodetic Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Colorado and Oklahoma,CIRES Rendezvous
  • Ritchie, Liesel,Nnenia Campbell, and Jamie Vickery (2016). Risk and Opportunity: The Role of Context and Social Responses to Oil and Gas Development.Association for Humanist Sociology Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
  • Birdsell, D., Karra, S., and Rajaram, H. (2016),AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
  • Rajaram, H., Birdsell, D., Lackey, G., Karra, S., Viswanathan, H.S., and Dempsey, D. (2015).Modeling Stuides to Constrain Fluid and Gas Migration Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Operations,AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.


(most recent first)

  • Johnson, Eric G. "Effectiveness of Mitigation Strategies for Wastewater-Injection-Induced Seismicity." Master's thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder, May, 2020.
  • Baird, Bridger W. "" Master's thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder, May, 2019.
  • Brown, Megan. "Mechanisms and Mitigation of Injection-Induced Earthquakes." PhD dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder, April, 2019.
  • Chase, Robert E. "." PhD dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder, December, 2018.


  • White, Isabel, Taojun Liu, Nicolas Luco and Abbie B. Liel,Comparison between the 2016 USGS induced- seismicity hazard one-year forecast and the 2016 “Did You Feel It?” data archive, Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, 2017.
  • White, Isabel, Taojun Liu,Nicolas Luco and Abbie B. Liel, Comparisons between the 2016 USGS induced- seismicity hazard model and “Did You Feel It", Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, 2016.

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  • Induced Seismicity from Oil and Gas Wastewater Injection Dataset -This new dataset onidentifies and displays key features of Class II Underground Injection Control (UIC) well law related to induced seismicity from seven states and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in effect through August 16, 2019.

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